
Segue abaixo relação de artigos publicados:

  • Dietary and niche analyses of four sympatric batoid species of the subtropical South Atlantic Ocean. de Lima Lemos et al (2024).
  • Trends in elasmobranch feeding ecology studies. Bornatowski et al (2023)
  • Archaeological sharks: changes in the trophic ecology between late Holocene and modern shark communities in South Brazil. Burg Mayer & de Freitas (2023).
  • South Brazil pre-colonial sharks: Insights into biodiversity and species distributions. Burg Mayer et al (2022).
  • High trophic overlap between co-occurring sea urchins in Southern Brazil. da Silva Junior et al (2022).
  • Multilocus phylogeography of the endemic and endangered angular angelshark (Squatina guggenheim) in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean. Bunholi et al (2022).
  • A safe haven for potential reproductive aggregations of the critically endangered Brazilian guitarfish (Pseudobatos horkelii). Anderson et al (2021).
  • A shot in the dark for conservation: Evidence of illegal commerce in endemic and threatened species of elasmobranch at a public fish market in southern Brazil. Cruz et al (2021).
  • Differences and similarities in local ecological knowledge about rays among fishers, residents, and tourists. Freitas et al (2021).
  • Patterns and partitioning of food resources by elasmobranchs in southern Brazil. Hayata_et_al (2021).
  • Reconhecimento etnoecológico sobre o tubarão-mangona Carcharias taurus sob a perspectiva de pescadores artesanais da grande Florianópolis-SC, Brasil. Santos et al (2019).
  • Unravelling the foraging behavior of the southern stingray, Hypanus americanus (Myliobatiformes: Dasyatidae) in a Southwestern Atlantic MPA. Freitas et al (2019).
  • Staffen et al 2017 DNA barcoding reveals the mislabeling of fish in a popular tourist destination in Brazil. Staffen et al (2017).
  • Traditional fisher perceptions on the regional disappearance of the largetooth sawfish Pristis pristis from the central coast of Brazil. Reis-Filho et al (2016).
  • Feeding behaviour of the common dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus: older fish use more complex foraging strategies. Nunes et al (2015).
  • Public awareness of the economic potential and threats to sharks of a tropical oceanic archipelago in the western South Atlantic. Garla et al (2015).
  • Eye darkening as a reliable, easy and inexpensive indicator of stress in fish. Freitas et al (2014).
  • Red light stimulates feeding motivation in fish but does not improve growth. Volpato et al (2013).
  • Motivation and time of day affect decision-making for substratum granulometry in the Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticusFreitas and Volpato (2013).
  • Population size and survivorship for juvenile lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) on their nursery grounds at a marine protected area in Brazil. Freitas et al (2009).
  • Behavioral response of Nile tilapia to an allopatric predator. Freitas and Volpato (2008).
  • Early growth and juvenile population structure of lemon sharks Negaprion brevirostris in the Atol das RocasBiological Reserve, off north-east Brazil. Freitas et al (2006).
  • Feeding behavior of the longsnout seahorse Hippocampus reidi Ginsburg, 1933. Felicio et al (2006).